LEGO Elves Wiki
LEGO Elves Wiki

The Five Sisters is a legend known throughout Elvendale about a group of powerful women. They created a portal from Elvendale to Earth, so that elves and humans could learn from each other. Together, these five elves dedicated their lives to protecting their realm and all of its inhabitants.

The Five Sisters consist of Emily's Grandmother, Skyra, Quartzine, and unnamed water and fire elves. Emily's grandmother was immortal while she lived in Elvendale. However, when she moved to Earth to guard the portal from that side, she became mortal like the rest of the humans.

As a result of losing her immortality, Emily's grandmother is now deceased. Skyra remains at her castle to guard the Elvendale side of the portal. The whereabouts of the water and fire sisters are currently unknown. Quartzine became imprisoned in her amulet after turning evil.
